Friday, March 4, 2011

Homemade Speedlite Bracket for softbox

If you have access to a softbox designed to be used with a speedring and you want to mount your speedlite(s) inside of it then you have some commercial (expensive) options or you can make one yourself for minimal cost.

You will need-

  • 2" x 3" aluminum angle (length is dependent on your speedring but mine is 5" long
  • 1 spigot 
  • 1 bolt to go through aluminum and thread into spigot
  • drill and bit
  • 1 or 2 speedlite cold shoes (depending on how many speedlite's you want to put in the box)
  • 1 or 2 bolts to go through aluminum and bolt the cold shoe in place
Combine this list with some spare time and you can build this bracket for next to no cost especially if like many photographers you likely have some of these parts already on hand!

Completed bracket showing spigot

Bracket showing two cold shoes

Bracket with one coldshoe and one ETTL Cord

Bracket inside of softbox with the back open

View of the back of the softbox with speedite's firing 
inside and ETTL cable going to camera

This setup is light enough to use on a boom and works very well!  If you want to even out the light even more you can use StoFen diffusers on the speedlite's.

Good luck and please comment.


  1. Great idea Trevor. Looking forward to seeing more:)

  2. Very helpful Trevor. Great idea and looking forward to seeing more!!!
